Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Old sweaters.....New life!

Please check out this wonderful project using recycled sweaters!  There is creativity around every corner, with any everyday item!  I suppose all you have to do is find the time to do all these fun and wonderful projects! 

Thinking of the pillows for Isabel's room!!!!  ENJOY :)


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A la fin de l'ètè!

Good bye to summer!  For us it has been a whirl wind.  We moved into our own home, we went camping as a family together for the first time, got a BBQ and grilled for the first time.  My husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in July!  I got to spend some super amazing quality time with my beautiful girl...

Hope yours was memorable and sunny!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Being True to YOURSELF!

While I write this I am listening to Un Ballo In Maschera by Verdi, and I feel this wave of intense emotion washing over me!  I have spent so much time in my life being what others felt I should be, doing what others thought I should do...
So here I am faced with some harsh realities in every aspect of my life. In these past few days I have lived some of the darkest days of my life, and although extremely personal, I can say it is in process and each day the sun rises so must I.  I must choose to find the best path for me and make concious choices to love and forgive everyday.
As for my "professional" life, I think one of my problems is I have so many passions.  Most people have one, I have several and I find it trying to divide my time between them.  As with all things in life, especially passions you have to be driven and focused and put your energy into it.

I am a mother, a wife, a designer, a singer and I have a job outside the home too!  So, how do I split my time and be good at all those things?  Difficult question and one that I have been exploring as of late.  I suppose I must put my priorities in order...and that is the difficult thing to do.

What takes presidence?

Being a mother and a wife are equally important to me...and then on the other side of the scale my opera and my designing are as well.  Opera gives me a way to express myself in a very out there theatrical sort of way.  Being part of the music fills my soul like nothing else.  There is something very pure about singing.  You must bare yourself completely, be naked, so to speak!  It is possibly the most vulnerable you will ever be....it connects a part of my soul that is not accessable otherwise.  My issue here, is that I have not fed this part of my soul for a very long time and now I am missing it terribly.  So, I have decided to work the voice, work the body and find my way back to this missing piece.  As with so many problems facing all of us, it is the commitment, the commitment that must be made.  Time, much time.  More time then I happen to have in a day. 

Someone once told me that you make time for things that are important!  I am not sure if this person was wise or just had a lot of time on his hands?!

Then comes my other passion (a new one for me) which is designing and creating children's clothing and accessories.  My designs and my sketches are far more indepth and far too complicated for me to produce.  In truth I do not possess the skills needed to create my truest designs.  I feel I would love to do couture - something extravagent and unique, more one of a kind.  But I still love to mix and match patterns and fabrics and take things to the limit with the skills I have now.  Sometimes they work sometimes they don't, and that is okay.  I love the sense of discovery, of creating.  There is a feeling of accomplishment that I simply can not get with other things.  The fact that something raw becomes something beautiful in a relatively short period of time.  And that you made it, you created it, with your hands!  I can not imagine something so gratifiying and exciting.

I have two very strong passions....now how to make it work?  They both need a high level of commitment every single day! 

Perhaps I should go to the next level and decide where and what I want from each. 

  • With my singing, my goal is to sing a full opera by the middle of next year.  I have an audition I am presently preparing for and I hope I will be given an opportunity to share my voice with others.

  • My goal in designing is to make it my full time job, to be able to always be at home and work from home and make a living out of it. 

Okay, so with this said, to do so means that I must work extremely hard at BOTH.

With sewing, it is not just sewing anymore, no Sir....now it is about blogging (which I don't seem to be very good at - I have seen some amazing ones) and networking, about promoting and showing and marketing!  This takes almost a larger time investment then the actual creation of the garment!  This is one of the boarders that are hazy, at least for me!  How do I, alone (as I am just starting out) get all this done?  And still have time for all the other important parts of my life (like my family)?
I am going to make a schedule of sorts.  I will schedule my "family,office, production and opera" time.

I will not be able to do 50/.  For me, right now, it is simply impossible!  So, I will try 25/20/40/15.  25% into family time and 20% into office time, 40% into production time and 15% into opera time .  I will try this for 2 weeks and then tweek the numbers accordingly.  Because, in truth, you need to do both on a daily basis, but you also need the practicum.

I will start tomorrow and let you all know how it is going!  Oh ya, weekends are free days...well,we can try :)

Maybe the 7 dwarfs had it right....whistle while you work. 

Or for me it may simply be Sing while you sew :)

You can only be yourself, but you can be very good at it!


Monday, September 12, 2011

I am new at this!

So, here I am...yup, I officially have a blog and have no idea what to write.  I sort of feel silly about just typing out thoughts of who, what, when, where and how's.  But I suppose this is the next step one should take to make that "connection".  I will start by telling you a little bit about myself and what I do...and hopefully, it will not be TOO boring :)

So, I make childrens clothing and accessories.  In truth, I never really thought I would do this, make kids clothing.  Sewing was the furthest thing from my mind.  I had my eyes set on becoming an Opera singer.  I spent my 20's in Europe working towards that dream.  But life happend and choices were made and I stopped singing.  I floated around a bit, from one retail job to the next.  My mom was sewing all the time, and wanted me to sew too.  I hated it.  Coming from a Hungarian background, embordering is very important to us.  Much of our National Costumes, Folk art comes from women sitting for hours upon end, with a needle and thread, creating some of the most beautiful hand work I have ever seen....my mom made me do that too!  Hated it!  I vowed never to pick up another needle and thread again.  Last November, after endless frustration of my daughters constant complaints about itchy clothing, I decided to make her a shirt (as a trial).  I went to the fabric store and bought a few yards of varied fabrics that were on sale.  With the guidance of my mother, I sat down to sew.  And much to my surprise,  I loved sewing, I loved the fact that I have this piece of fabric, just lying there several minutes ago and now it was a sleeve!  As I finally completed my first garment, I had this crazy rush.  It was so exciting to create something with my hands, nothing had ever given me such satisfaction before.  And although it took me a VERY long time to make that first garment, I loved and lived every second of it!  It was so odd that something that I hated so much, so many years ago, was now something that I loved.  I needed to be sure I really liked it as much as I thought.  So, I went back to the fabric store and picked out some more fabrics and a new pattern...my very first dress was about to be sewn and my excitement and anticipation was huge.  Yup...I was hooked, I was in love with sewing!  Who in a million years would have ever thought that I would be the sewer!
Now, almost a year since my first piece, still get that rush, when I pair together fabrics and start sewing!  I still have that feverish level of excitment and anticipation whenever I start sewing, creating something new!
My journey has just started and I hope that you all follow me on this journey called life. 

I love bold and colorful fabrics, prints and designs.  I am a mid-century modern freak.  I adore my daughter and husband.  Love Opera and Jazz and am a sucker for the classic American Songbook (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc...)  Am a movie junkie and love Ginger Ale, chinese food and really good creamy desserts.  I Want a dog and I want to finish designing and decorating my folyer!

 That's me :)